Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don Miller needs a new editor

This was the worst the the 3 errors I came across in the last 2 chapters. Can you spot it?

Other than that, and I must confess I am no stickler when it comes to spelling, the book is a nice read. Miller's other books tend to tell of stories from his childhood and when he was a young adult going through life, like "back at Reid college we'd streak through the auditorium in the mornings and then later dig into 2 Corinthians while the girls would spoon at a big bowl of Chocolate Mint and the guys would smoke fruit pipes."*

A million Miles in a Thousand years is similar to those books, only post-Jazz. It is pretty nice to read about all of the things he's been experiencing in the past few years. His honesty and humor are second to none when it comes to books you buy at Blessings.

Miller weaves through the last few years as though he is creating a story with his life, which is actually the main lesson from the book. It's turning out to be a really good idea for a book. I like these kinds of books (and movies, for that matter) where there is a lot of dialog and thoughts being presented with some, but not all of, the answers. Barbara likes movies and books where things actually happen. I like those too, but I have a soft spot in my breathing lungs for contemplation and heartache.

* may not be an actual quote from any book.


Lois said...

" . . . where there is a lot of dialog and thoughts being presented with some, but not all, of the answers . . . I have a soft spot in my breathing lungs for contemplation and heartache." PRICELESS! How you mirror my own innerness!!

Becky said...

I wasn't going to do it, but since it's a blog about editing...

"This was the worst the the 3 errors..."

I noticed it the first time, but when I just came back to find it I could barely figure it out. "Of" - "The" - same diff.

Brett said...

"I must confess I am no stickler when it comes to spelling." - Brett Gitzel