Monday, March 15, 2010

Into The Woods Trailer

After messing around with this thing on and off for a few weeks, i finally came up with something to show for it. This will give you a good idea of how Barry and I spent the first day of snow this past winter. It consisted mainly of Barry running/lying/falling/walking in the snow with no jacket.

It was fun, and someday we will finish/remake/do something else with this project/video camera.

My limited knowledge of Compressor ruined some of the fine art on display here. That, and my shaky hands and amateur focus capabilities.

As they say in Threewordstogetherland...



Lois said...

WOW!!! I can HARDLY WAIT to see the sequel!!! No, really, this is great! Who knew Barry was such a good actor!
p.s. Brett, you should probably have taken off your wedding ring - unless you were actually a GOOD guy and not an evil killer ...

Becky said...

That was very good. Barry - very convincing. Brett - I liked the shaky camera at the beginning. I didn't notice any other shakes.

Brett said...

Maybe its a wedding ring committed to a marriage of destruction!

gitzy said...

SHOCK and HORROR! 2 essential elements in any great movie - it's going to be a gooder.